Sub ID’s give insight for publishers to measure the results of different promotions / positions of your media.
You can use Sub ID’s in many ways, for example to measure the performance of the same link on different postions on your website. Or you could use a different Sub ID in separate mailings. The idea is that the landing page/product that you send your visitors to is the same, but that it’s a different link on your own page/email.
If you use your own codes to measure the surfing behavior of your visitors, or if you want to embed the membership details of your websites members, you can simply add these in the Sub ID field. You can also add them dynamically, for example when you use search engine marketing in which case you could place the keywords in the Sub ID to measure which keywords caused the most conversions.
You’ll find the Sub ID’s in the transactions in each transaction description.
Click here to see how to set up a Sub ID