How often do I want to receive the newsletter, specials and notifications?
Want to stay updated and grow your media? Or do you prefer to receive notifications where and when you want? You can. Through your personal settings, you can select whether you want to receive specials for Black Friday, for example, to immediately view the latest promotions. You can also receive notifications when a new campaign has been launched that matches your target group and much more.
Where can I set newsletter preferences?
In your account, you can specify how often you want to receive the newsletter, notifications and Daisycon Specials. To do this, click on your photo or avatar in the top right-hand corner. You will then see the "Personal settings" menu, and under "Preferences" you can set your newsletter preferences. Alternatively, go to the 'Settings' menu and select 'Personal' to adjust preferences
You can receive all notifications by e-mail. These notifications indicate for example when:
- You have been approved or rejected for a campaign
- When a campaign is no longer active
- An email preview has been approved
- When an advertiser sends you a personal message
Specials, promotions & updates
If you like to be informed about our specials (e.g. Valentine's Day, Black Friday, etc.), promotions or updates you can also select to receive them here.
You can choose to receive our newsletter daily or a weekly summary on Friday. This newsletter contains new campaigns, actions, promotion codes and updates on the various campaigns. You can also choose from which countries you want to receive the newsletter.
User email address
You can apply these settings for the different users in one account. So everyone on your team can set their own preferences.
Note: If you use one general e-mail address, but also like to be informed on your own e-mail address, then create an additional user account with that e-mail address and set your preferences. This way you can be sure that you will not miss any updates, specials or newsletters.