Through the Daisycon system, you can perform extensive analyses of the comparators' performance. All clicks and transactions can be found in the Daisycon system by filtering on the affiliate program of Transactions are processed through to prevent you, as a publisher, from having to sign up for each individual program.
- More information about the comparators' performance can be easily found in the 'Toplists' in your Daisycon account.
- Check 'Toplists' / 'Description' to view your performance per advertiser.
- Check 'Toplists' / 'Sub ID' to see how often certain links are clicked and how many transactions are generated per link. You can easily recognize the Sub IDs in the comparators as they all start with 'dai_'. Each comparator has its own prefix, for example, the Sim Only comparator has the prefix 'dai_so', and the Energy comparator has the prefix 'dai_ev', etc.