On completion of your registration, you will immediately receive an e-mail in which you can activate your publisher account. You can then log in via www.daisycon.com. After registration, your account will be reviewed and evaluated within two working days. You will receive your approval by e-mail.
If you have registered a website as media, you need to verify it yourself first. You can start doing this as soon as you are logged in, the instructions can be found in your publisher account.
As soon as you have been approved and your verification has succeeded, you will be able to register with advertisers Below we'll simply explain how you can get started with Affiliate Marketing with Daisycon.
Step 1: Select an advertiser-campaign
Log in to your account. Click on "Campaigns" in the menu on the left. Here you can see all available campaigns for the countries in which you have traffic. Search or select a campaign (or several) that appeal to you. Read more about registering for an advertiser campaign or watch the video tutorial here:
Step 2: Retrieve banners/text links
After approval, you can include material (banners, text links, etc.) directly. Go to "Link material" n the menu and click on "Search material". Find the campaign you want to promote, browse through the different ad groups (at the top) and select the media you want to promote with. You can now retrieve your promotion link. Read more about retrieving materials or watch the video tutorial here.
Step 3: Generate transactions & analyse statistics
You have now started promoting one or more campaigns. With most campaigns, you will receive a fee (a commission) if a visitor that you have leaves data or buys something on the advertiser's website. After a while, of course, you want to know what that pays. The system of Daisycon offers many statistics and overviews of your income. On the dashboard after the login you can see a lot of information.
Payments can be made on a monthly or even weekly basis! You can find more information about payments here.
Do you have any specific questions or can we help you with anything? Of course you can please feel free to contact us at any time. We hope that we have been able to help you.